Client: Bloor Homes

Project overview

"The Arches of Ledbury" is a residential development north of Ledbury. The project, spanning 28 hectares of land, is set to redefine the town's urban landscape, offering a harmonious blend of residential and employment spaces. 

Bloor Homes initially faced challenges in getting the project off the ground. Herefordshire Council initially turned down the plans due to concerns over access, particularly the impact on local traffic and the feasibility of building a new road under the arches of the nearby 19th-century grade II listed railway viaduct. However, following an appeal, the Secretary of State for Housing granted approval for the project. 

 This project is a significant addition to the Ledbury area, promising to enhance the local urban landscape and community life. 

  • 28 hectares of land
  • Circa 625 homes
  • 3hectares of employment land
  • 2, 3, 4 and 5-bedroom homes

BWB's role

We played a critical role in mitigating community concerns and contributing to the project's success by: 

Mitigating flood risk

The local community believed the site was a floodplain and that any development on the site would cause greater flood risk in the community. 

We worked closely with the Environment Agency. By modelling the River Leadon and providing technical documentation, we demonstrated that flood risk had been meticulously assessed to meet development standards, dispelling any perception of increased flood risk in the community. 

Combating the noise

As the site is situated near an existing industrial estate, we conducted comprehensive noise and acoustic assessments. The findings guided the project's layout, advising the client on the strategic placement of the more vulnerable uses and providing an acoustic bund.

Collaboration is key

As with all projects of this size, collaboration is critical to success. We strategically engaged with external stakeholders, including the Environment Agency, local councils, and architects, to ensure the application's success and the site's future. 

Internally, we demonstrated remarkable cohesion. We provided over 15 services throughout the project, demonstrating excellence in working collaboratively between teams internally to provide expert multidisciplinary services to our client. 

Client support

We extended support to the client through public consultations and stakeholder engagement, playing a pivotal role in garnering approval for the development.