Buildings & the Built Environment (BBE) GroupThis group include structures and mechanical & electrical building services.Groups
Environment GroupThis group includes ground solutions, water, environmental planning, acoustics & air quality (AAQ).Groups
Rail GroupThis group includes track design, rail buildings & civils.Groups
Transport & Infrastructure GroupThis group includes design infrastructure, design development and planning.Groups
Advance GroupThe Advance group work on multidisciplinary projects across the transport, residential, commercial, industrial, education, health, and retail sectors. Groups
Project Management (PM) GroupThe PM group provide a range of professional project management services across all sectors of the property and construction industry.Groups
DeetuDeetu offer digitally led planning public consultation, policy consultation and digital transformation. Groups
Corporate Servcies GroupOur corporate services group include finance, human resources, information technology, business & risk assessment, corporate affairs & communication, and resilient income.Groups